The quality of your sleep is essential to your health — restoring energy, helping store memories, and healing the body.
And where you sleep matters. Your sleeping environment has a huge impact on your sleep quality. The right wall color, bed accessories, and lighting (or lack thereof) may all help you to get a better night’s sleep, among other factors.
Click on the interactive experience below for some inspirational ideas on how to build the ultimate sleep sanctuary.
Tips for creating your ideal sleep oasis
Many people decorate their bedrooms to appeal to their waking senses. This might mean bright colors, fun paintings, plenty of sunshine, and strong light that lets you get your work done.
The most important activity that takes place in your bedroom, however, is sleep. When you
The amount of time you spend sleeping matters, yes, but so does the quality of that sleep. If you spend 4 of your 8 hours in bed tossing and turning, you might not feel very rested the next day.
Making a few changes can help you create a more comfortable sleep environment. According to sleep experts at Johns Hopkins, the following bedroom features can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep:
- Temperature. A cooler room and bed can reduce nighttime sweating and improve sleep. Aim to keep your bedroom thermostat set to 65°F, give or take a few degrees.
Light. Bright
blue lightTrusted Source , be it from the sun or electronics, can disrupt sleep. Putting down your devices, using blackout curtains, and using very dim lights at night can improve your rest. - Pets. You can love your furry friends without loving their nighttime commotion. If you’re unable to get good sleep with a restless pet, consider keeping them off the bed.
- Tidiness. You may not see your bedroom clutter while you sleep, but it could still have an impact on your rest. For better sleep, try tidying up and making your bed each day.
Wondering whether it might be time for a bedroom upgrade? We’ve got more detailed tips and product recommendations below.